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Strengthen Your Clairsentience

What's up, beautiful people?!

Hopefully, by now, you've been practicing the exercises I have presented to develop your clairaudience and clairvoyance. & today, to continue with the Clair Development Series, we are going to discuss Clairsentience.

Clear Feeling

This clair remains to be one of my strongest clairs when working psychically or mediumistically (it will certainly pack a punch to the impressions you will receive from Spirit). If you have ever had strong "gut" feelings or if you're negatively affected by large groups or crowds, your clairsentience is engaged. Clear feeling is feeling sensitive to emotions ...and sensations. Take any and every scenario in your life that has ever played out in your life. In each of those plots, an emotion existed, whether it was: happy, sad, embarrassed, bored, indifferent, shocked, desperate, possessive, etc. Many times you probably felt a multitude of emotions. Now, each of these beautiful moments are within the database within you mind for Spirit to retrieve.

When I first started connecting with my brother, I immediately noticed how I could sense the pressure of his energy when he was close- like a vibration in the air. I will feel where Spirit is located by honing in on this same vibration. The sensations go further still from just feeling where Spirit is at. Spirit will also tap into your sense of touch when delivering evidence while communicating. During readings, Spirit will take me through a sensory experience. Some experiences have been: once, in an outdoor memory, I have felt the sun's the heat on my face; another time, I have felt a cat tail tickle my neck and chin; and another time, I felt like I had tipped over, and so many more.

If you want to understand your sensory experience, I suggest flexing this clair as often as you can! All you have to do is let go and feel.


Get comfortable. You should be sitting upright, back fully supported. Start breathing in for a a count of four, hold it, then release for a count of four. Continuously do this until you feel your body starting to relax. Imagine the air as energy, entering your nose, being pulled into you, circulating down to the tips of your toes, back up and out your body.

Now, bring your awareness to your solar plexus, the powerful chakra located three inches above the belly button. Take a deep breath in and bring all of that life energy to this area, deep within. You become aware, in the front and back of your body, of a small clockwise spinning sensation that begins to grow stronger and stronger with each breath in. Feel the energy within the chakra spin faster and faster. Feel the sensation of the energy beginning to ripple out from this chakra, pulsing and expanding in every direction from your body.

You are aware now of your ability to push and pull the energy in towards your center, and out, like a sphere, in every direction. Feel the electricity of the energy surrounding you and concentrate on relaxing and sitting comfortably within your energy. Take a deep breath in and slowly open your eyes.

Exercise #1 - Sensing Emotions

Write down as many descriptive emotions (frustrated, frantic, excited, enthusiastic, bored, detached, etc.) that you can think of, each on an individual index card. Shuffle briefly and then turn over the first card. Take a deep breath and tune into your gut- your solar plexus area, and whatever emotion you flip over, take yourself back to a moment when you embodied that feeling. Sit with this feeling for as long as you can, want, or need.

When you've finished with the first card, turn it over and release the emotion through your feet, deep into the Earth. Take a deep breath and move on to another card. Move slowly through these, only a few each practice. Revisit as needed.

Exercise #2 - Physical Sensations

Grab a magazine- grab a few! Get a variety: fashion, nature, recipe mags, home design mags, whatever! Now, start flipping through and put yourself into the image. If you are in a home magazine and you see a burning fireplace, place your mind in front of that fire and feel the heat on your cheeks and the front of your body. If you have got a fashion magazine, picture squeezing your feet in some seven inch stiletto heels and pounding the pavement. Make sure to sit with each image and sensation. Remember, we are practicing hightened awareness.

Exercise #3 - Feeling Spirit

Do this only if you have loved ones in Spirit and when you are comfortable. As a reminder, Spirit is love essence; there is nothing to be scared of. Make sure you're in a quiet place where you can relax and focus and will be free from disturbances.

Sit upright and after the meditation, ask for your loved one to come close to you. Say it out loud or in your mind. Think of them, think of shared memories, visualize the person. Now just tune into your body. See if you can sense their energy approach. If you feel them come into your energy field, you can ask them to come closer, get further away or even if they can make the sensation stronger or weaker.

Do this exercise in short bursts at first. You want to build up your energy or you will risk burn-out.

After Each Exercise

Hydrate and ground. Sit upright and begin taking slow, deep breaths. Breathe in for a count of four and breathe out for a count of four. Imagine a golden (or pure white) orb above your crown chakra. See/feel the orb slowly drop down through each of your chakras. See/feel each chakra color illuminate brightly as the orb passes through them. Now as the orb passes through the root charka, see the orb plunge deep into the Earth. Follow it as it travels to the golden core and dives in. Watch it lift from the core and race back upwards, back to where you sit. See/feel the orb travel back through each chakra, starting with the core and finishing above your crown.

You are now grounded.

Don't forget, a beginner's course is in the making and will launch soon! Make sure you're signed up for my monthly newsletter to check its release!

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