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Strengthen Your Clairaudience

Updated: Sep 18, 2020

Hey, hey, hey, lovely people!

If you are anything like I used to be when I first started developing, you want to get started right away on exercising your clairs. Everyone has at least one that is more prominent than the others; my two strongest, in the beginning, were clairvoyance and clairsentience. I knew it was possible to strengthen the other clairs, so I read as much as I could on how to develop the other beautifully important senses.

It's incredibly critical to remember some essential tips while developing...

  1. Allow your clairs to unfold naturally and be patient with yourself

  2. In the beginning, practicing your clairs should be done with time set aside where you will not be bothered. This will allow yourself to feel completely free to focus on the sensory experience.

  3. It isn't completely necessary to have a partner to practice with in the very beginning (I will give you exercises to do by yourself).

You will find that, as time progresses, it will be easier to practice different exercises in every day life--which is the best way to work, as this will begin to directly affect your awareness in mediumship.

As you further develop your mediumship and feel comfortable with communicating with Spirit, you'll find clairs working in tandem, which can skyrocket your confidence in delivering the messages that need to be said.

Clear Hearing

Today, I am going to focus with you on developing your clairaudience (clear hearing). I am quite clairaudient now and it took practice to relax and open my awareness to sound and sounds that I could hear in my head. That's really what working out your clairs does: heightens awareness.

Exercises for clairaudience should do just that. Momentarily, I will explain a meditation you can use to help "awaken" that sense. I am also going to give four exercises that I use regularly, in regular waking life. It takes six to eight weeks (of daily practice) to develop a habit in every day life that will result in a habit in your mediumship. That being said, it is imperative to understand that your mediumship will change as time progresses--allow it. You will always be a student of Spirit; you will always be developing.


Get comfortable. You should be sitting upright, back fully supported. Start breathing in for a a count of four, hold it, then release for a count of four. Continuously do this until you feel your body starting to relax. Imagine the air as energy, entering your nose, being pulled into you, circulating down to the tips of your toes, back up and out your body.

Now, imagine a blue disk right at your throat chakra. You can see the blue disk in front and in the back of your throat. Imagine it as either a saturated cobalt blue or turquoise blue (go with whichever comes to your mind first). The disks are starting to spin in a clockwise motion. As they spin faster and faster, you can see sparks flying from them. Faster and faster. You can feel your ears open that goes deep into your throat. The disks are spinning faster now, becoming brighter and brighter. Your ears and throat are buzzing. They begin to spin so fast, you can see the disks form into concave cones, funneling into a point in your throat.

Breathe into your throat chakra and slowly open your eyes.

Exercise #1 - Music

This exercise was given to me by one of my mentors. Put on headphones. Pick a song, preferably something rich in a variety of instruments and sound. As you play the song, select one instrument to follow through the song. When the song ends, remember the instrument and the sounds it played. Try to remember the melody. Play them in your head for as long as you can focus on it or until the song ends in your head. Play another song. Repeat the process.

It works and I rather enjoy this exercise when I'm feeling especially relaxed.

Exercise #2 - A Walk

I appreciate this exercise while walking my dog or if I am walking anywhere by myself. I set my intention to experience my walk in sound. I listen for any noises: wind rustling the trees; a car; kids laughing; birds chirping; distant waves--you get the idea. When I reach my destination, I take a moment to replay the sound experience all over again in my head.

I find myself doing this through the grocery store, too.

Exercise #3 - Voices

This is an exercise that's perfect if you're dining alone. Sit quietly and enjoy your meal, but listen to the voices and conversation around you. Find the closest voice first and notice the direction that it's coming in. After you focus in on the voice, listen for sounds, words, and then sentences. Begin focusing on a voice in another direction, further away. This is perfect for practicing focus--not so much for replaying full conversations in the head.

The problem with this exercise is that one can start to feel the energy of others more easily, which could potentially lead into you feeling into someone's crappy mood. Just be aware of that.

Exercise #4 - Pictures!

This is one that I quite enjoy and can practice while hanging out in a waiting room or book store. I sift through magazines and imagine the sounds in photos. If I see a picture of a boat, I hear the horn and the waves slapping the side of the bow. If I see a dolphin, I'm the squeals are already in my ears. It's really that simple.

The Hard Part

So the hard part about all of this is paying attention to sounds as you're also trying to see, feel, and process, but it's as easy as a thought. If you're already quite visual and sentient and are quite comfortable in holding a link to Spirit, just asking to be shown in sound can be really helpful, too.

Also, stay positive and be patient. Your masterpiece of a story will not be written in mere days, weeks, nor months, but in years. You will be evolving constantly and your mediumship will follow suit. Surrender and allow it to happen.

Let me know how the exercises have helped in your journey or send me any questions you may have.

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