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Healing Services

Healing goes beyond a band aid on an open wound.  Healing occurs when we allow the universe into our hearts to mend our soul.

Imagine having one more conversation with a loved one that has passed away...  Imagine sharing memories with them again or feeling their presence sitting next to you.  


Make no mistake, life absolutely goes on after this one and your loved ones want you to know that.  They want you to feel it in your heart that, without a doubt, they are still around, supporting you.  


In a mediumship reading, you will receive evidence of your loved ones.  They will share: memories; personality traits; important dates; their passing; and/or their relationship with you; anything that can help identify them, so you know it is them.

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Visualize the last time when you were stuck at a crossroads.  Remember how confused you were... recall the feeling of not knowing which direction to take--or if you even saw a direction to take.  How you wished for someone, something--ANYTHING to push you where you needed to go.


This is just one of the benefits of Tarot.  Its insight is a divine message from your Spirit guides and your higher self.  It is a reflection of your conscious, subconscious and your unconscious.


When your mind is scattered or you feel frozen in your path, Tarot can help usher you on your course.  Tarot is the lantern in the fog.  â€‹Where will it lead you?


Psychic Tarot READING

Are you in the midst of your journey and feeling unmotivated, lost, and/or sick*?  Are your stressors manifesting in your body and you are looking for the weight to be lifted*?  Imagine healing pouring down from above.  Imagine a moment to yourself to receive love, guidance and healing...


This is where a spiritual assessment can help...

My spirit will speak with your spirit and spirit guides.  I will tap into your path to see what step you are on and what lies ahead. 


*Please note that I am not a doctor and any physical conditions should be addressed with a licensed professional first.


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Karuna Reiki & Awakened Bliss Codes are beautiful, powerful and transformational healing modalities.  Having an energy healing uplifts, rebalances and penetrates deep into our karmic past...even beyond to a past life.  


Karuna Reiki & the Awakened Bliss Codes delve a little deeper into our human experience to alleviate symptoms such as: chakra balance, karmic patterns, past life karmic issues, anxiety, mental focus, implementing healthy habits, grounding, resistance to healing, spiritual growth, and more!


This healing includes a ten minute spiritual assessment.


*Please note that I am not a doctor and any physical conditions should be addressed with a licensed professional first.

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