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Strengthen Your Clairvoyance

Hey-hi, wonderful people!

I have been receiving lots of love and interest in those wanting to develop their clairs. This brings me so much joy, as I believe this is our right, as embodied souls, to explore our connection to Spirit- something in which ALL of us have. Anyone and everyone can develop these skills/gifts.

As such, I have decided to release a post each week that provides a few exercises for each clair to be worked until all the clairs are covered. These will be for beginners or anyone who feels they need a "tune-up".

After this series of posts, I hope to release a beginners class. So stay tuned!

As a reminder...

It's incredibly critical to remember some essential tips while developing...

  1. Allow your clairs to unfold naturally and be patient with yourself

  2. In the beginning, practicing your clairs should be done with time set aside where you will not be bothered. This will allow yourself to feel completely free to focus on the sensory experience.

  3. It isn't completely necessary to have a partner to practice with in the very beginning (I will give you exercises to do by yourself).

You will find that, as time progresses, it will be easier to practice different exercises in every day life--which is the best way to work, as this will begin to directly affect your awareness in mediumship.

Clear Sight

In the beginning, I knew that Clairvoyance was one of my strongest clairs (clairsentience was my other). Even now, it is still strong, but I have learned to not rely so heavily on it. Eyes open or shut, I can visualize impressions from Spirit. I will see memories formulate in my mind's eye from passed loved ones; moving quickly, like a movie, it will play before me.

I can, and will, also see Spirit themselves. If it is in my mind's eye, it will be a quick snapshot. Sometimes, I see them as golden energy orbs or dashes of light. Disclaimer: seeing Spirit is normally something I keep to myself as I do not like giving descriptions of Spirit unless something about what I am seeing looks (and feels) important. Describing Spirit's physical appearance does not convey the essence of who they were, unless their physical appearance was important to them, in which case, it would feel that way when I saw them.

I will also see color a great deal when I tap into a person's energy field, or aura. Color presents many meanings for me. Sometimes symbolic, sometimes it acts as a door to a deeper understanding of the client/sitter.

Sooooo, why don't you rely "so heavily" upon your clairvoyance anymore?

My mediumship has changed. Everyone, including myself, will tell you that it will, because it does! Spirit will constantly keep testing your faith and how surrendered you are to the process.


Get comfortable. You should be sitting upright, back fully supported. Start breathing in for a a count of four, hold it, then release for a count of four. Continuously do this until you feel your body starting to relax. Imagine the air as energy, entering your nose, being pulled into you, circulating down to the tips of your toes, back up and out your body.

Now imagine a purple light in between your eyebrows at your third eye chakra. The purple glow is small to begin with, twinkling slightly. Then the light starts to illuminate, bigger and brighter, with each breath in you take. Imagine a tingly sensation, or vibration, deep within the purple light, right in between your brows. The sensation almost feels like a spinning disk right above your skin. Now see the disk fall softly on your skin.

As the disk starts spinning, faster and faster, you can sense the vibration of the disk penetrate your mind. Zipping deeper into your mind, deep into your pineal gland. Once there, you see two cone shapes expand from the front and back of your third eye chakra. The cones are electrified with energy.

Sit with this sensation for as long as you enjoy it, then move on to the exercises.

Exercise #1 - People

I learned this exercise a long time ago when I worked at the bank. It was included in training for what to do in the case of a bank robbery. We were trained to get used to noticing details about people so I could give useful descriptions of people/robbers/kidnappers (scary, I know!).

When you're out and about, like a grocery store, and you turn down an aisle, quickly look for details about the people you see. Notice: how many people there are with them; what they're shopping for; if they have any piercings/tattoos/birthmarks. Maybe they're wearing a cast? Which arm/leg? Where on their arm/leg--what could be broken?

After you gather details, see them again in your mind's eye. If it's a tattoo, try to picture the color, the age, the location. Then take another look to see if you imagined it correctly.

This will heighten awareness to personal details.

Exercise #2 - Nature

This is a popular technique to get you used to imagining- it can be found on the internet and in books. The frontal cortex (the area in which we are creative and uses imagination) is the same area in which Spirit accesses to communicate with us. This exercise is to help those who struggle imagination and with picturing things, which is okay and normal, by the way.

Gather flowers, leaves, plants--whatever you're drawn to. Sit comfortably and pick a flower (or leaf - I use multi-colored leaves as the veining adds another level of complexity). Study the item. Study the colors. Study the veining, should you have a leaf. Put it down and close your eyes and imagine all the details about the flower/leaf. Now, open you eyes and check how you did. Repeat as necessary.

Exercise #3 - Auras

This is something I continue to practice daily. Auras/energy fields are not inclusive to humans only. Animals and even plants/trees have an energy field. The colors are pockets of information that can be deciphered to provide telling details about one's past, their trauma, their love life, their health, the future- just about anything and everything!

To practice looking at someone's aura, have a person stand in a dimly lit room (if you prefer brighter lights, go with your gut; I just found the softer lights were easier for my eyes to relax) in front of a wall that doesn't have a lot of "fuss" behind them. Standing in front a door will be fine if you've got a lot of art on the walls. Now look slightly beside or above the person. Allow your eyes to lose focus. Blinking can sometimes disrupt your vision, so if that happens, look again and lose focus. You should start to notice a vibration or change in color right above the skin. Keep relaxing and it should expand. Once it does, your awareness will notice more colors in different locations all around their energy field.

If you're wanting to practice on yourself, simply hold your hand out, fingers extended. You may find it easier if you place them in front of a wall or less "stimulating" background. Look at the area, right above your skin, in between your thumb and index finger. Again, allow your eyes to lose focus. A vibration or color should begin to appear.

Exercise #4 - Pictures in a Magazine

This is an exercise that can be done in a waiting room.

Grab a magazine and start sifting through. When you come across a picture that captures your attention, quickly glance at it, no more than two seconds, and turn the page. Give yourself (10) seconds to name off, or visualize, details about the image. Turn the page back to see how many you got correct.

Exercising your clairs should be fun!

If it's starting to feel like work, you're approaching "burn out" and you need to take a break. You'll find that once you start working with your clairs, and essentially, energy, you may need to drink extra water and rest more. Practicing your clairs is exactly like exercising a muscle. There needs to be balance and you need to work your tolerance up. Be patient and remember to give yourself extra love.

Stay tuned for a beginner's class by signing up for my newsletter!

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