You may or may not agree with me on this one...
But can I ask what exactly we are protecting ourselves from? If Spirit is love essence, then what is the point? It isn't needed!
When I first started my mediumship journey, I was scared of connecting to the other side. I was terrified that an evil Spirit would invade the space and take it upon itself to punish me with a good ole fashioned haunting. Flashes of scenes from Poltergeist or The Exorcist would haunt me right before I would close my eyes to begin envisioning my white light. Sometimes, if I was especially distracted or stressed from the day and I would still try to connect, the ghouls would appear all around me as a dim light would flicker in and out in my imagination. I would gasp and stop altogether, thinking it was too dangerous at the moment.
As I read more about how loving Spirit is, I began to question why we had to protect ourselves. It didn't make sense to me.
As a test, I decided to forgo protecting myself when I would work on exercises outlined in some of the books I read. Amazingly, nothing scary happened. & When I had my first beginner development class, we did not do protection meditation either. Another student even asked why we did not and my mentor, at the time, asked the student, "Protection from what?" Aha! Sweet revelation. My mentor affirmed what was what I was beginning to suspect.
Well then why the hell was I seeing all the scary stuff when I first started meditating?
In my case, two things:
1. I needed to learn to focus more when meditating. I was not relaxing my mind enough.
2. I was looking for the scary stuff. So my mind obliged and gave me some scary stuff to imagine.
That's it, folks. If you look for something, you'll find it. Your mind will happily make the crap up just to prove yourself correct.
Spirit is love. In all of my experiences, they are not evil. If a Spirit comes through in a negative way, such as: I know they were abusive or violent, then it is just for evidence. They have to be recognizable to their loved one, so they cannot come through initially as a nice guy/women if they were a jerk when alive; however, once I deliver the evidence, that feeling/vision/thought/sound will go away immediately and the reading can continue.
I know it will seem weird at first, but surrender to Spirit. Surrender to love and trust that you'll never have to be scared or worried.