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Where Do I Start? The Road to Mediumship

Updated: Sep 9, 2020

My journey to mediumship started when I was very young. Seeing and hearing ghosts were the norm in my childhood; it scared the crap out of me! The types of haunted visits varied as I grew older, but when I hit my twenties, I recall actively trying to smother and hide this strange aspect of myself and by the time I hit my mid to late 20's (right around the time I went back to college), I had successfully snuffed out all of my esoteric tendencies.

Some may argue that my childhood would mark the beginning of my mediumship journey. I, however, argue that my decision to further develop and enhance this skill in my mid-30's is actually when it officially began.

I recall the moment I made the choice to pursue this mysterious path and feeling elated-yet-frightened that I was finally going to delve deeper into my comprehension. Immediately after the giddiness subsided though, I thought to myself...

"Okay. Now what?"

Step 1:

My first step was to buy a book. I would also suggest buying a book that resonates with you at the moment. More than likely, as you develop, you may "grow out" of your first book's original ideas that were introduced to you. For example, I no longer bother with a white light protection meditation. I don't believe in: demons, evil Spirits, lost Spirits, bound to Earth Spirits and the like. The first book I read, though, mentioned Spirits that liked to play tricks on lightworkers and I'm astounded in how long I believed this.

Buy a book with either exercises for the clairs or explanations on the philosophy. Read through the book completely, do the exercises, if any, and then buy another book. Rinse and repeat. There will be times when you will be reading more than practicing, but do not stop learning.

I would also suggest purchasing a book on personal development, as this goes hand-in-hand with mediumship progress. Warning: your mediumship growth will be stunted if you ignore personal improvement! To provide healing, you must be healed to a degree where you are no longer provoked. Be kind and give yourself plenty of time to work through this. For me, it took years to process my triggers; they will still occasionally pop up now and then, but fortunately, I recognize it immediately and I know myself well enough to understand how to handle the situation & move forward.

Step 2:

After a couple of books, you will be anxious to practice, practice, practice! I practiced with my loved ones in Spirit. Approaching it this way felt comfortable to me (HELLO! I had a book telling me I should protecting myself at all times when I reach out to the Spirit world), though I couldn't be 100% sure if my brother in the Spirit realm wouldn't pull a prank on me for the hell of it (haha).

My mother and husband brought up a good point one evening: "How do you really know if you're talking to ______________________?"

Hmm. Could I be absolutely positive that I was speaking to my family members in Spirit? I felt like I was. I somehow just knew that I was. Considering this, I asked my brother in Spirit to tell me something that would convince them that I wasn't crazy. I asked and I received & I was never doubted by my mom and husband again--they're my biggest supporters. More importantly, I really began to trust myself and what I was receiving.

Once you've been practicing with loved ones in Spirit -OR- if you find it difficult to connect to loved ones...

I would look for a beginner's class. What's nice about a beginner's class is that you'll be surrounded by other beginners! There's a level of comfort and trust that is needed in order to surrender and just "give what you get."

You could also look for a beginner's development circle, or after you've attended a few, you may consider creating one. These tend to be similar to a "gallery/platform" style demonstration, so if you're shy, you may want to skip this until you're feeling more confident. The problem with attending the same circle, time after time, you start running into the same Spirits, over and over. I've been to a few circles where they invite non-mediums to be sitters, but these circles are not considered "beginner".

Step 3:

Sit down and set your intention. Now that you've read a few books and practiced a little, you have begun to develop a relationship with the Spirit world. You may start to have your own philosophy and understanding just in your experience and with your encounters.

Get real with why you're trying to connect to Spirit. Maybe you were just a little interested at first, but now you may be feeling to pull to go further. Maybe you were originally interested in pursuing it professionally, but are now feeling like it could just be a hobby. Really think about your "why," and write down your reasons. Let the universe and Spirit know.

Step 4:

Keep developing. Keep practicing. Keep healing. Teachers and courses will appear at the correct moment and the right people will come into your life when you need it. There are no coincidences. Follow the breadcrumbs and allow the Universe to work her magic.

** If you're interested in a beginner's course into mediumship, contact me & sign up for my newsletter. A class is in development and on the horizon.**

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