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Are you psychic?

Updated: May 15, 2020


You've been feeling nudges about certain situations: you're in your car and something tells you to turn off on the interstate early to make it a scenic drive, only to discover that you missed a pile up only minutes before. Maybe you've even seen something in your dreams that came to fruition? Or perhaps you think of someone and magically, days later, you run into them at your local grocery store?

Most of you could probably nod your head to most, if not all, of these scenarios.

And it's no surprise! You have an intuitive gift. We ALL do. This is our birthright because we were born on this planet. We are interconnected in the fabric of human existence.

"Say what?"

Well, think of the animal kingdom...

Butterflies and birds know to migrate with the seasons; elephants understand that lions are dangerous; turtles have specific beaches they prefer to lay their eggs on--even if they've never laid eggs before; and dogs can feel a thunderstorm approach before my cellphone warns me.

Animals understand these things because of their collective understanding: their collective conscious. They have millennia of experiences from previous puppies, turtles and birdies. They also don't have an ego (more on this bad word in a future post) that keeps them from tapping into this endless supply of knowledge. Are they psychic? Hmm.. I'll venture to say NO, but they are definitely intuitive.

"Sooo, what's the difference between being intuitive and being psychic?"

Simple answer: intention.

Being a psychic means that one is intentionally looking for information. One is intentionally tapping into someone's auric field, or energy, to pluck information about a person's past, present and future.

Being a psychic also takes practice (and lots of it). It also requires an understanding of one's own symbology, learning style, communication style, strengths and weaknesses. Also, there are the clairs to consider, but I will talk about that in a future post.

Also, there is a crap-ton of healing that needs to be accomplished.

"News flash: I'm as healthy as they come."

Maybe you're right; however, healing must be done within the layers on the sum of our experiences. This means EVERYTHING that you have repressed because you just couldn't deal with it at the time or maybe things you've never quite forgiven yourself (or someone else) for. It's a lot. Especially if you're me. This took a while. Not because I am a terrible person, but because I've lived a life. I've made good and bad decisions and people have made bad decisions that directly affected me.

Some of the bad decisions I made led me so far astray from my core values that I realized I was a stranger to myself. The process of getting to know myself again took over a year. Let me repeat that: OVER A YEAR! But this path of self discovery I meandered upon placed me exactly where I want to be right now.

SIGH! I digress.

So, there's intention, practice and healing and BOOM, I'm Psychic?

Clear, honest intention.

Development with dedicated ongoing practice.

& Delicate healing.


You'll know when you're psychic.

Want to know some of the books that got me started? Let me know!

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