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Intention is Everything in Development

I'm not sure if you know this or not, but intention is everything when you first start and continue to develop. Letting the universe know that you're is ready and willing to use your own innate gifts begins churning the wheel of energy. Why? Because intention has energy behind it. When one intends on doing something, anything, it means they start putting action behind a thought.

Lets take this a step further...

Thoughts, which also have energy, behind our intention will determine the outcome. Being scared of failure or even believing that it's possible that we could, sets the intention of failure. It's the Law of Attraction. This prevalent law does not discriminate whether you're thinking negatively or positively. Whatever you're thinking, it will deliver.

In a development class that I regularly attend, the instructor will place limits and restrictions on our readings; for example: only moving forward when we correctly identify the spirit communicator's hobby. If we go in thinking, "Crap, I can never get that." or "That's way too advanced." we will absolutely fail.*

* Disclaimer: We may not get the hobby/job/fill-in-the-blank 100% of the time when we are developing confidently because the medium, the instrument, may not have a frame of reference. Sometimes getting it wrong or not understanding is where learning happens--and every medium has gotten it wrong at some point.

When I put my intention out to the universe that I wanted to help people while being my authentic self and I was going to start by being vulnerable and sharing my story, the universe started clearing the path for me to make it easy to transition to how I truly wanted to live my life. The universe is STILL clearing it! I just follow the breadcrumbs and I allow the progression to unfold naturally. I find myself feeling scared and I sense when I start resisting and in those moments, I pause, breathe, and move forward in faith. I remind myself that I set my intention already; I just have to get out of the way and let it happen.

For anyone completely new to intuition/psychic/mediumship development, you may wonder, "How the heck do I set an intention to the Universe?" Let me tell you: it's as easy as a thought. When it came to pursuing this on a professional level, I wrote down and got clear as to why I wanted to do this. There's action behind everything, but it always starts with a thought.

While I am speaking about it, a suggestion to absolute beginners: write down your intention as to why you want to develop. Get clear and let the universe know. Is it just to be able to connect to your own loved ones? If so, great; that's what most people want to do. Is it because you have this deep feeling that you want to help people and Spirit? That's awesome, too; because others will feel and resonate with that energy. If it's all about fame or lots of money, I promise you, that energy you put out there will be felt by others and it will eventually not serve you.**

** Not to say having money is not good or not spiritual--money is energy and a requirement for the absolute balance of energy (think the Law of Compensation).

And for the intermediate and advanced developing psychics/mediums, know that you're a rock star! You've got this! Don't ever doubt your abilities. Remember to mind your thoughts when you may not be feeling stellar. Let it go. Allow positive intentions to flow freely. Every psychic/medium needs a pep talk now and again: we are all vulnerable and subject to the passive-aggressive ego. We are only human.

Believe in yourself! If you have good intentions in this work and you know Spirit is omnipresent, you never have to doubt yourself, your abilities, or why you're doing this. I know you occasionally will, it's inevitable, but know that Spirit and I are cheering you on.

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