When I started my mediumship development journey, I started by reading books. A lot of books. That, in itself, seemed easy enough. I would tuck the kids in bed, turn off unnecessary lights, and curl up comfortably on my couch with a book to scour the exercises and anecdotes that would take me to the next level of understanding.
That's all I had to do in the beginning--and in the beginning, I wasn't even sure if I would eventually do this professionally; I was actually in search of my brother since I know he came to visit me. While my little ones slept upstairs, I would faithfully complete each exercise within each book. Each time, I would get my brother to help me. He would show up, every time, and help me work on each of my clairs. I would eventually ask for more loved ones to show up, which they did, and I would excitedly explain my mystical training to my husband and mother.
I could sense the skepticism, especially with my mom, so I one afternoon while I was waiting for my husband to return home from work and picking up the kids at my mom's house, I asked my brother to show me something that I could explain to my mom so she would believe me. And he did. He gave me a sharp pain in my left index finger. I saw in my mind's eye his index finger, too. Within a minute of this vision, my husband called me and I told him what I saw and he gasped: my mother had JUST cut her index finger when he was by to pick up the kids moments earlier. My husband, who has always been incredibly understanding and supportive, and my mom, finally, were absolute believers in my abilities after this.
As my development ushered along, I wanted--needed--more validation as to the sensory experience I was having. This is the point when I took my first, formal class & my first class was a success: I gave what I saw/sensed to my sitter and she understood! Thank goodness: I wasn't going crazy. These confirmations ignited a greater need to progress forward.
At this time, it was still reasonably easy to balance my life and my development. I started scheduling "practice sessions" when my kids were in school. All I needed was an hour right before the session to prepare to get my head straight (I know now that this "prep" time was completely unnecessary, but at the time, I felt it was what I needed).
When I felt the time was right, I started my mentorship program. While in this program, I decided to explore other avenues of practicum and stumbled across online development circles and online classes. My schedule began to expand and then...
...BOOM: Covid-19.
Now, I was scheduling practice sessions, homeschooling, development classes, gym, meals & snacks, cleanup & dog walks all day, everyday. I still am. I'm juggling and some days are better than others.
Some things I have learned with this new, temporary, "normal":
A daily schedule is crucial for the kids, especially when it came to their schoolwork. I also schedule in self-care and fun time with my babies.
Days of the week are blocked off with job specific tasks. If you've ever tried to book with me, there is a reason I only do readings on these particular days: it's the ONLY thing I do. I maintain a high vibe by not worrying about the housework, not worrying about blogging or grocery shopping. I listen to music all morning that makes me feel like I want to dance and I just chill and really enjoy my kids. On other days I only work on business things or housework.
If I don't get something done in the time that I wanted to get done, I get over it.
I listen to my body and mind. If I start feeling overwhelmed and/or stressed, I take longer breaks to DO NOTHING but let my mind and body be. I know that in these moments, I'm unbalanced and I need to take a few moments to evaluate what I have/haven't done within the last few days to keep my energy levels at peak condition.
I edit as I go. The schedule I initially set up at the start of this "craze" isn't the same schedule as it is now. Aside from school being out (THANK GOODNESS), I saw that I prefer readings on some days to others. My business meetings I would have with myself didn't work on Fridays anymore, so I moved it. It's important to be aware and objectively reflect on how life is at any given moment and where it can be better.
I know I'm not perfect and it's impossible to attempt to be 24/7, but being balanced isn't about perfection. It's about being good to me and keeping my cup filled so I can be present for others: whether it be my family or the souls I do readings for.
Are you in balance? When was the last time you reflected on your feelings and life as a whole? Maybe yesterday--in which case: you're doing great! Keep it up. If it's been some time, give yourself permission and have a looksie and see where you can take you life to the next level.